Friday, July 28, 2006

my nephew when he was like 11. could this be the reason he smokes now?

some pictures of mine... more to follow

Thursday, July 27, 2006

more drawings

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i was a little obsessed at one point...

rapid vibrations echo through horrid visions of a
blurred life left near the sea, poisoned by salt
harming the sweet agony of the angel
always falling, ripping through known patterns
speaking my name through vibrations in glass
water filled, hurt dragons of passion
hidden in caves made of a lonely creation
dark blue murdering the ultra violet burning sun
fogging the innocence of vision
relected through rainbows of imaginary joy
grabbing onto my lies as they bleed from my lips
s l o w l y pouring from my lips
s l o w l y draining from my thoughts

Friday, July 21, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

in case you can't read it, it says hug me or i shall destroy you. tee hee
ok, so i need to add more to the previous post because it just didn't feel complete. see, i think dan likes to make me mad, which is why he said falkor is a bunny. i assume that he thinks it's funny that i get so infuriated over such "little" things, but they are not little to me. i want a falkor and with the way genetic engenieering is going i think it's possible, probable maybe not, but definitely possible. and what's wrong with that. so what if most of the animals i want don't really exist. they exist in my head and that really is enough for me. i want that damned hippogriff (from the harry potter movie), a unicorn of course, falkor, the horsy thing from the science of sleep movie, and many other things that other people find irrational and unbelievable and while i have one foot loosely planted in reality why not want these things.

maybe he thinks it's cute, maybe he wants to see how crazy i really am. but now i keep singing the neverending story theme song every time he's around. that'll show him.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

so we were sitting here (and by we i mean my boyfriend and i) and we were arguing about falkor from the neverending story and whether or not he was a bunny or a dog. which apparently we were both wrong because he was a dog like dragon, but i was still more right. but that's besides the point... while looking up what falkor was i found out that in munich you can ride on falkor's back during some weird tour thing. YOU CAN RIDE ON FALKOR'S BACK!!!!!! i think i'm buying my tickets now...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

the science of sleep

this looks like the best movie ever. i can't wait til it comes out so that i can become way too obsessed with it, cause i know i will. and then feel weird because i relate to crazy people. i also love gael garcia bernal. here's the link for the trailer. (and if you watch the trailer... i want a horse like that- just saying)

i just think this is funny. tee hee

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i hate working. this blog was suppose to be for my photos, my writings, my drawings... but due to work i only have time to work and sleep.

i too tired for this.

to the right is my baby girl. a picture i took of her on her 2nd birthday.